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Celebrating Nanjing Jieya Company's 20th Birthday

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-02-01      Origin: Site


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Last sunday,we celebrated our 20th anniversary of establishment of Jieya company.


Twenty years ago, armed with dreams, confidence, and unwavering determination, we embarked on a journey that carved out our own path in the vast business ocean. From a small group in the beginning to the large family we are today, every employee has contributed relentless efforts to the growth and success of our company.


Reflecting on the past years, we encountered challenges and overcomed obstacles . Achieving remarkable results in the market, we have introduced a series of widely recognized products and services, earning the trust and support of our clients and partners.

The company's success is indebted to the seamless collaboration and hard work of each employee. Thank you for your diligent effort and selfless dedication, as it is your wisdom and passion that have contributed to the brilliance of the company today.


10 years service


15 years service


 20 years service

Simultaneously, we express gratitude to our clients and partners who have been with us throughout our growth. In these 20 years, your trust and support have been our most valuable assets. Our collaboration has fostered continuous innovation and progress, co-writing this glorious chapter that belongs to all of us.

Our general manager Ivan Chen delivered a speech ,saying that "In these 20 years, our achievements are just a new starting point. In the future, we will continue to uphold the values of innovation and responsibility, embracing larger challenges and pursuing higher goals. We believe that in the coming years, we will keep improving and make an impact on the development on China twin screw extruder industry.''


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No.337 East Zhening Road, Zhetang Town,
 Lishui District, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, PR China


 Jieya Extrusion